SBA 504 Loan Lower Down Payment: Pros & Cons

A re you considering buying new equipment or revamping your current business infrastructure but lacking funds? Well, then SBA 504 loan shall be your first choice. Due to the low-interest rates and down payment for SBA loans , it has gained much popularity in the business community. Small Business Administration (SBA) funds small businesses by offering multiple loans. However, 504 is the best in SBA loans with minimal eligibility criteria, good loan amount, and longest down payment tenures. Despite having so many perks, there are still some cons to it. Here is everything you need to know about an SBA 504 Loan. What is the SBA 504 Loan? SBA 504 is a loan program designed to assist small businesses with long-term finances to grow their organizations. It provides loans for real estate allocation, equipment and machinery purchase, and upgrading existing real estate and other assets for business needs. It's a three-party loan involving a lender, payer, and Certified Development Comp...