Options for Small Business Financing in Maryland

Small businesses contribute enormously to Maryland's economy. According to a recent U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy report , statistics show that there are close to 580,000 small businesses in the state, which employ half of Maryland employees, and comprise close to 100% of all business activity. Not only is Maryland a great place for entrepreneurs to operate small businesses, but it’s also ranked among the nation’s top ten states for start-up survival rates. In order to thrive, these business owners must have access to working capital so they can achieve their financial goals and grow the economy. What Are Some Financing Resources in Maryland? The Maryland Department of Commerce and its partner organizations offer state-wide incentives. The Maryland Small Business Development Center The Maryland Women’s Business Center The U.S Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship resource guide for minority-owned businesses The Maryland Small Busin...